Friday, July 25, 2008

I wanted to be a runner

I have toyed with running off and on for the better part of fifteen years. Toyed meaning that I would gear up to start running, do it for a while and then something would make me quit. I have met runners along the way in my life. I had a couple friends who ran cross country in high school. My freshman year of high school I ran the mile for the physical fitness test. Afterward, my gym teacher suggested I join the track team. I had never had anyone encourage me like that so I went out for it...I lasted a week before I quit complaining of shin splints.

When I was in college, I had a friend who was in the Air Force ROTC. She would get up every morning and work out with the other ROTC students. Occassionally I would get up and go work out, too, and for a little while we would run together. She ran in 5Ks and such. I liked that about her.

But it wasn't until a few years ago that I saw accomplishment in my pursuit in running. My husband and I moved to Dayton, OH where he is from and I started running with a friend. She was an experienced runner, but when I mentioned that I wanted to start running again, she offered to run with me. I was happy to have a partner that I could run with, but also didn't want her to be tied down to my slowness and lack of physical fitness. We decided to give it shot and for months we began running together about 2-3 times a week as our schedules allowed. In the beginning, we would do run and walk. (Most of time the walking was driven by me...) But over time we ran 2 miles, then 3 miles, we found a 4 mile stretch and was successful, and five miles we accomplished too. We ran around the city neighborhoods and on country roads. We even ran in a 5K race together! Finally, I was starting to see that this interest of mine was more than just "nice thing to do", it is a longing. And the day that we ran 6 miles together, I was so incredibly happy and realized that it was possibly for me to do this. It isn't easy, but it is possible.

Running with my friend made a huge difference for me. She is committed to what she does and sticks with it. I learned that even for experienced runners, the miles are still long and ahead of them, the sun is still hot, the hills are tough and the body must be ready to do the work. And we had fun together! We talked about anything and everything and really enjoyed the time we spent. We would run, but we would also catch up with each other about our lives. Our friendship grew stronger out there on the open road. I will always treasure the time we had running together.

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