Monday, July 28, 2008

Two Babies Later, I Am Still Trying

Life always seems to get in the way of things. After running with my friend and being the most successful I had ever been, things started getting busy. She had a baby and a year later, I had my twins. Throughout my entire pregnancy I took it very easy, so running wasn't an option. I was put on bed rest at week 27 of my pregnancy, so moving wasn't even an option. I remember leaving the hospital after delivering my girls and began thinking about how weak I felt. My body was 30 pounds heavier, I had just had a C-Section and I felt tired. Of course all of this could be attributed to everything that I had been through with the pregnancy and delivery. And certainly after we brought the girls home from the hospital twelve days later, that would attribute to my energy level, too. (Now chasing around 17 month olds still makes me tired, so I know it never goes away!)

The first year of the girls' life was a blurr and I certainly didn't run or even try to. For more information about that point in my life, keep an eye on my "Bringing Up Twins" blog. But sometime after their first birthday, I started getting the craving to get back out there. We were started to get the hang of things and it was time to start taking care of myself again. I knew that things weren't going to be the same as last time. I didn't live close to my friend anymore, I had two babies whose schedules I had to consider and how exactly could I run with two babies anyway? I started looking for the one piece of baby equipment that every Mama Runner should have: a jogging stroller or jogger.

There are a ton of different types of jogging strollers on the market these days. I know some of the big chain stores sell them and sometimes you find them at running stores or bike stores. I found mine online having done some research about what kind to get for running. Be careful when shopping for one because not all jogging strollers are meant to be used for jogging. Weird, I know. But if you plan on running, then you should look for a 16 inch front wheel or larger. (Make sure it is fixed and doesn't swivel for best control.) A tether strap for your arm, a couple brakes and excellent harnesses for the babies are also important. I decided on the BOB Sport Utility Duallie stroller.

And I love it!! It is completely worth the investment! My rationale is that this is my workout so I could either spend the money on this jogger or go get a gym membership. This way, I can work out with the girls and we don't have to pack up and go somewhere else. They love to ride in it and they look quite comfortable. I am glad of my choice!

So now I am trying to get into a routine. Last week, I ran everyday and did pretty well, but this week I am falling off the wagon...So by God's grace, I am going to get back out there. Me. My girls. And the jogger. Out on the open road (well, the neighborhood sidewalk..). I have a date with my running destiny. I will be a runner. I will be a runner...

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